Version 1.0 of WinGIF is finally here! The biggest enhancements from previous versions are palette manipulation comands, PCX support, printing, as well as integrated help. There are also quite a few bug fixes. I hope you like it. Known Problems: Quite a few SVGA device drivers still have have bugs in the new Windows 3.0 call to display a DIB. The most common problem is an upside down image while decoding to the screen. This usualy corrrects itself after fully decoding the image. The 8514a driver has a problem with large images in monochrome or 4 bit formats. Depending on the image you may be able to display and print as long as you don't move the viewport from the origin. If this bytes it hangs windows and you need to reboot. If you use the HPPCL printer drivers with the Full page print option the driver sometimes over stretches the image and then clips it down. If you get this try sizing the image up or down a litle and try again. Registraton: With respect to the Shareware registration. There is no reminder box just your conscience to encourage registration. If the reistration response is good then I will have incentive to keep improving the program. I'm sorry that enhancements have been so slow in comming, like all of you I am very busy and am only doing this for fun. I really do appreciate the registrations. It is great to know that some of you like what I've done. It has and will continue to encourage me to improve WinGIF. Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Kyle Powell CompuServe 76704,12 License Agreement ----------------- The use of WinGIF is subject to the following terms and conditions. WinGIF is copyrighted material. It is protected by the copyright laws of the United States. You may not make any changes or modifications to WinGIF. You may not decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse- engineer the software in any way. You may use WinGIF on a trial basis provided you do not violate the protection afforded the licensed software by the copyright laws, and you agree to the terms of the license agreement. If you continue to use WinGIF past a 15 day evaluation period you are obligated to purchase a license for its use. A license for the use of WinGIF can be obtained by sending a $15.00 registration fee to: SuperSet Software Corporation P.O. Box 1036 Orem, UT 84059 The license fee paid for WinGIF is a one time fee. Licensed users may obtain and use future revisions of WinGIF by SuperSet Software Corp. without reregistration. Title to the licensed software is NOT transferred to the end user. The end user is granted an exclusive license to use the software on one computer or computer work station at any given time. Limited Warranty ---------------- SuperSet Software Corp. does not warrant that the licensed software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free. The warranty does not cover any media or documentation which has been subjected to damage or abuse by you or others. The software warranty does not cover any copy of the licensed software which has been altered or changed in any way. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED TO THE TERM OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES. Some States do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. The warranties set forth above are in lieu of any and all other express or implied warranties, whether oral, written, or implied, and the remedies set forth above are the sole and exclusive remedies. SuperSet Software Corp. is not responsible for any problems or damage caused by the licensed software that may result from using the licensed software. This includes, but is not limited to, computer hardware, computer software, operating systems, and any computer or computing accessories. End user agrees to hold SuperSet Software Corp. harmless for any problems arising from the use of the software. SuperSet Software Corp. SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR OTHER SIMILAR DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANY BREACH OF THESE WARRANTIES EVEN IF SuperSet Software Corp. OR ITS AGENTS OR DISTRIBUTORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. In no case shall SuperSet Software Corp.'s liability exceed the license fees paid for the right to use the licensed software. WinGIF Distribution ------------------- You are granted a limited license to copy WinGIF only for the trial use of others subject to the terms of this software license agreement described herein, and the conditions described below are met: WinGIF MUST be copied in an unmodified form and MUST contain the following files: WinGIF.exe WinGIF.hlp WinGIF.txt No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by anyone without the express written permission of SuperSet Software Corp.. Public Domain Disk Vendors may not charge a fee for WinGIF itself. However you may include WinGIF on a diskette for which you charge a nominal distribution fee. The purchaser of said diskette must be informed in advance that the fee paid to acquire the diskette does NOT relieve said purchaser from paying the Registration Fee for WinGIF if said purchaser uses WinGIF. Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (Sysops) may post WinGIF for downloading by their users without written permission only as long as the above conditions are met. A fee may be charged for access to the bbs as long as no specific fee is charged for downloading WinGIF files without first obtaining express written permission from SuperSet Software Corp. to charge such a fee. Distributors of public domain and user supported software, such as disk vending services, may not charge a fee for WinGIF itself. However you may include WinGIF on a diskette for which you charge a nominal distribution fee. The purchaser of said diskette must be informed in advance that the fee paid to acquire the diskette does NOT relieve said purchaser from paying the Registration Fee for WinGIF. The above constitutes the license agreement for WinGIF. It superceeds any and all previous license agreements.